Thursday, August 21, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday {8-21-14}

Welcome to Positive Thinking Thursday!  Thanks for visiting and (hopefully) linking up.  :)
This week's positive thought comes from my little friend, Kid President.  You've seen many of his inspirational videos, I'm sure, but here's a new one about being a hero.  It would be great to show to your class.
So don't forget, you are somebody's hero.

Like mine...

Thank you for all you do and for the support and inspiration that you provide me every day!

Have a positive thought you'd like to share from your blog today?  Link up below....

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Have an AMAZING day!

1 comment:

  1. Kid President has lots of great videos! Thanks for the reminder! :)



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