Thank you for all your wonderful comments from last week's positive thought. I'm glad it connected with so many of you.
This week's positive thought is also about mindfulness. I am making a more conscious attempt at being more mindful every day. It is sometimes difficult to just stop my forward motion and be still in the moment, but it is so worth it.

Have a beautiful day!

Thank you! This was a huge message in our Leader in Me training yesterday! It is so important to prioritize and enjoy each moment instead of worrying about what comes next. I am definitely guilty of this, so I love having another reminder!
Fit to be Fourth
I just spent the month of July participating in an online book study for a book called Awakened by Angela Watson. It focused on practical strategies for transforming your mindset to transform your teaching. I work in an urban setting that is very stressful. This year, I am going to deliberately focus on having a positive outlook and not getting stressed out over things I cannot control. So often, when the ability to make decisions about my own classroom and teaching gets restricted, I get discouraged and negative. I am going to use the tips from the book to change the way I react in those situations so that I can stay focused on the positive instead!
Adventures of a Schoolmarm
I really enjoy this linky! Thank you!
Drop By...
Life As I Know It
This is so VERY true!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You always pick the very best quotes.
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'