
Monday, May 19, 2014

E-Portfolios -- Advice Needed

HELP blogging friends!!

 Krista Walden/Creative Clips

Next year, our district is heading toward Standards Based Grading (SBG).  I am excited for this because I feel it will really give us a chance to focus in on what the kiddos know and what they don't know.

Here's where I get a little worried....

SBG can be a lot of (paper) work.

I am looking for a way to help build student ownership for this process and have them maintain their own learning portfolios, a place where they can show evidence of their learning and proficiency of the standards.

I have several paper systems that I could use, but I would really like to try something online because we will also become a 1:1 classroom.

This is where you come in....

Do you have an online e-portfolio system that you currently use and could share your thoughts with me? I have looked at options like Evernote and LiveBinder, but I'm just not sure.  Ideally, I would like something that can handle evidence for each standard, but also have the capability for reflection and sharing of the information with parents.  Student ownership is a must!

Am I looking for too much?  Does such a system exist?
Krista Walden/Creative Clips
I would appreciate any insights you could share.  Thanks friends!!


  1. What about using google docs or dropbox?

  2. You could use Google drive or Edmodo (students put their items in their backpack). We have a server at our school dedicated to the students. Each student has their own folder on the server and they put all their creations in that folder. We start them out when they enter Kindergarten, and they use the same folder until they graduate 8th grade. I hope you update and let us know what you decide to use.
    Are We There Yet?

  3. I don't use anything with my students this year, but I've been hearing good things about Edmodo. I suspect that'll be the direction we go next year. So I can't give you any tips, but maybe we can learn from each other as the year goes on!

  4. I'm currently using Weebly for Education. It's drag and drop- easy peasy!
    The Meek Moose
    The Meek Moose on TpT


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