
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday {5-22-14}

Ready for Positive Thinking Thursday?
Most of us are winding down our year, getting ready for that sacred time called 'summer.'  If your students are anything like mine, each day is a fight to the finish.  It doesn't help that the weather has finally warmed up here in Wisconsin and we are having summer-like temps.  We have about 16-ish days left and lots to still do!

So in honor of us all (students + teachers) seeing the finish line in sight, I present this week's positive thought...
Finish strong!
That's right, people.  There is still lots of time left to reach those goals!  Don't give up now!  Keep going! You've got this!!

Since it's been a few weeks since I've included a video, I'd like to bring you an end of the year message from one of my favorite motivational speakers -- Kid President!  

Don't forget -- it's never too late to get that dream!! :)
Before I go, I'm curious...should this Positive Thinking Thursday linky continue through the summer? It could be an easy post for all of us and a way to keep in touch....or maybe not.  :) What do you think?  Leave me a comment with your opinion.  Thanks!!

Wishing you a wonderful day!!


  1. I think it would be a nice way to keep in touch. Perhaps we could be collecting quotes to use in our classrooms ~ ones about character, good work ethic and so on. Just a thought. :)

  2. I think it's a nice idea to keep this up in the summer. It's a great linky!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  3. I've got lots of goals to still accomplish! I can do this! YES, please keep this going this summer!!!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. I love Kid President! He is just the cutest think ever!! I'd love to keep positive this summer!!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  5. Hi Jennifer. My summer doesn't start until June 25th so I need Positive Thinking at least until the end of June. I am getting a little jealous when I read of all these bloggers whose summer vacations start in a matter of days. I guess you could take July off. Either way, I'll always put my 2 cents in because I love your link-ups.

  6. I would love for you to keep this linky. These last couple of days have been too busy for me to post, but I made sure to stop by and read this post and all of the link ups here. Thank you!

    Fit to be Fourth


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