
Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Peek at My Week {5-18-14}

It's Sunday, which means it's time for another Peek at My Week, my weekly linky party where you can share your plans for the upcoming week.
Many of us are winding down our year to the final days.  I still have four weeks left, but I'm sure they will fly by.  

Speaking of flying....I can tell that summer is about to arrive because I have begun my annual war with the robins over where they choose to build their nests.  We had a frost warning on Friday night and when I brought my plants inside, I saw this...
The crazy thing is that I will move this nest, then they will build another one right away.  This little battle goes on for about three weeks.  If I let the nest stay, the plant dies.  If I move the nest, the robins get mad and sit on my deck rail and chirp all day long, looking for their nest.  I can't win.

My plans for this week include finishing up what was not finished last week. As it turned out, I was out sick on Monday and then again on Thursday with the flu.  Yes, the flu...twice in one week.  Ick!  I'm hoping this week is better.
I always feel guilty taking a sick's always harder to be out....
As it is the end of the year, we are doing lots of projects that are taking lots of time.  In writing, I am having my students compose their book reviews on the Chromebooks.  This is the first time I am trying drafting this way, instead of writing it out first then typing it.  Next year, we will take the Smarter Balance test, which will require students to compose on the computer.  I figure it's better to get them used to this now, rather than wait until the big test.


  1. That's so true about the robins. I had one build a nest on my porch light. After tearing it down twice, I finally caved when it appeared a third time. Now, I am glad I did because it is really cool to see the babies. I love showing them off to the neighborhood kids. I don't know if I'd let it stay at the expense of a plant though. Have a great week!

    Fit to be Fourth

  2. I hope you are feeling better today! I had an unplanned absence on Friday due to a nasty cold and my EL co-teacher said the kids were just unruly by Friday afternoon... dreading seeing those sub plans with notes :S It's hard to be gone this time of year with all the fun projects and events- here's to hopefully getting caught up on your plans!! :)

    Tales of a Teacher

  3. I'm trying letting kids compose on the computer right now too. So far, so good! Although I did give them a fairly thorough planning sheet, so I knew they would be totally ready to write. You should have seen their faces when I told them to draft on the computer. "But Mrs. Doyle, I haven't written my rough draft yet!" Priceless! Hope you're feeling better this week!
    Chalk & Apples

  4. It IS a crazy time so I just make sure I have tons of routine to try and rein the craziness in! :) Hope you are feeling better!!

  5. Aww poor robins- you need to get a fake plant for them! :-P Stay well this week!

  6. Hi Jennifer. Look at all the bloggers who linked up this week - how exciting! I hope your health has improved. We don't get out of school until June 24th - lots of time left for us. Feel better.


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