
Friday, August 30, 2013

Five for Friday {August 30, 2013}

Happy Friday!  I have survived my first week back to school.  (I know...many of you have already been back for weeks.  You will get your revenge in May when you get out of school and I go until the middle of June. :)

I'm looking back at five random things from my week with Doodle Bugs Teaching and Five for Friday.
The hubby and I had a date night last Saturday.  We went up to Devon's in Milwaukee for some fantastic seafood and "just us" time.  It was a great night and too long in the making!

Tuesday meant Back to Work Day!  Of course, like most of you, I have "worked" throughout the summer.  (I think I should say "volunteered".)  I was busy working on lots of things for this school year throughout the summer, but I finally got to see it start to come together this week.
I finished up my room and have a few pictures to share.
Our Reading Rug
Gather for read alouds and class meetings here
Student Mailboxes and Homework Bins (One color for each main subject -- saves time sorting!)
Classroom library book bin
I'm using a Google Form for a check out system this year.  I'll keep you posted on how it goes!
Awesome inspirational posters outside my door!
Compliments of:
Displayed my college degrees and teaching license.
It's important for my students to see me as a lifelong learner!
My teacher binder
Our library area
Books are sorted by AR level so students can pick out a "Just Right" book.
Our AR Racetrack and 40 Book Challenge chart
I believe in making our progress visible!  :)
A Welcome Table
I put this out for Open House on Wednesday night.  In my former life (before I started teaching), I was a very avid quilter.  Now, other hobbies (blogging!) have replaced it, but I still like to display my quilts however I can.

Going along with my classroom décor, I want to share a picture of the back of my door.  I got this idea from Elizabeth at Fun in Room 4B from one of her Monday Made It post.
I got a Cricut this summer and decided to try it out by cutting a bazillion leaves in different colored scrapbook paper then glued them up to the back of my door to make our Tree of Knowledge.
I probably think I'm crazy to spend my time decorating the back of my door.
But here's the deal....
It brightens up my room.
It is a great conversation topic.
And it makes me happy.
I love it!! 
Football season is almost here!  My friend and co-worker Bridget went up to watch one of the Packer's pre-season practices and brought back two of my favorite Packers to keep me company at school. 
Love these guys!!!
It will make my day so much sweeter to look over and see Aaron Rodgers and Jordy Nelson smiling back at me! 
This poster pretty much sums up my week.  I began on Tuesday with a list at least a mile long of things I wanted to do before school starts next Tuesday.  Did everything get done?  NO...but it's good enough for now. 

The kids will be there.  I will be there.  That's all I need.  The rest that wasn't finished will finish in time (or I will decide that I don't need it.)

Whew...that was a long post!  Thank you so much for reading!!

I hope you will stop back on Sunday for my new linky party, A Peek at My Week Link up and share what you have coming up for the next week.  I gathered lots of new ideas (which probably made my To-Do list as long as it was) from everyone who linked up.  I hope to see you Sunday!


  1. I love your rug...every time I see it I wish it was in my classroom!
    Glad to hear you had a great first week.

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook

  2. My husband loves the Packers. However, I'm a Bears fan :)

    Fifth in the Middle

  3. I'm all set for Sunday's Linky!! I also love your rug! It reminds me of my new lunch bag.
    Grade 4 Buzz

  4. I love the rug too! And your AR chart is awesome :)

  5. It is nice to have that first week finished and to end it with seafood - yum
    Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

  6. I want your rug too! Your room looks great! My door has been bugging me, I might give in and do something.

  7. Your door turned out beautifully! I love it :) Thanks for the shout out! I'm with several folks above....that rug is awesome! Have a happy new school year!!!
    Fun in Room 4B

  8. I am with you on the never-ending list. I try to look on the bright side that they are so overwhelmed at the beginning that if I spring some new idea, poster, decor, or even organizational change on them in the first few weeks it's no big deal!! Your room looks great -- love the football guys :)
    ~ Kristin

  9. Your room looks great! The rug is super cute :)

    Floating Through Fifth

  10. I absolutely love the rug in your library area and the tree of knowledge on your door! Everything else looks great too.

    Enjoy the long weekend!

    Follow me on Bloglovin

  11. Ugh! I was following along happily until you offended my eyes with that green and yellow! Go BEARS! :)


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