
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cutting Down on Bathroom Trips

I'm so excited to be able to link up with my buddy Joanne at Head Over Heels for Teaching for Spark Student Motivation today!  If you haven't gotten to know Joanne, you should!  She has amazing ideas and is one of the sweetest people I've "met" in blog land!  :)
As I am about to embark on a new school year with new students, I am looking for ways to help motivate my students to do their best learning.  However, if the kiddos are making tons of trips to the bathroom, they aren't in our classroom learning. 
We take bathroom breaks throughout the day, usually when we are on our way back from specials, recess or at snack time.  Students have lots of opportunities to "go."  However, there are always a few who decide it's better to go in the middle of an in-depth math lesson or during our read aloud than at a common time.  Do you have any students like that?
So last year, I decided to use a Bathroom Pass system.
All students are given a new pass at the beginning of a new quarter.  They have six opportunities to leave the room to use the restroom simply by giving me their card and I paper punch a number.  (However, the rule remains that you can only leave during a work time, not a teaching time.)

What happens when students run out of punches?  Easy...they have to buy a new Pass using our Collegiate Cash.  Passes cost $10.  Pricey, I know. (Students earn $10 a day for showing up and doing their "job" as a student so it really costs a whole day's pay.)   But it really "motivates" students to use the restroom when given the opportunity and to think about when they are using up their punches or not keeping their cards in a safe place.  (Replacement cost is $10 as well.)

Bathroom Passes also help me keep track of students who are leaving the room, as well as using the restroom excessively.  (This could be an indicator of a health issue as well.)

Now, if I could only invent a Bathroom Pass for myself....

Head on over to Head Over Heels for Teaching to check out other ways to motivate your kiddos!

I hope you will stop back tomorrow to link up your plans for next week with my new "A Peek at My Week" linky party! 


  1. I'm fortunate to have a bathroom in my classroom, so I don't really have an issue of students losing too much academic time, but your idea is...
    GENIUS! I love it, especially since you're not forbidding them from using the bathroom, but they have to purchase another card if they run out of punches! You're teaching time management, responsibility, priorities, and budgeting all with a bathroom pass!!! I bet this cuts down bathroom use a lot!! Thanks for linking up and sharing friend!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  2. This is a great idea! Can't wait to join your linky tomorrow :)

    Floating Through Fifth

  3. This is a great idea! I'm thankful I have a bathroom in my classroom so "trips" to the bathroom aren't an issue.

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook

  4. Oh my stars!! This is a great idea! I have one who would use his six punches before 9:30 AM. He is a hot mess, for sure!!

    I really like this idea!! And, I use a classroom economy as well so that works perfectly!

    Thanks for sharing this idea!!
    Collaboration Cuties

  5. Great idea! I use tickets, but I like the idea of them having to purchase them....boy, are they in for a surprise next week.

  6. LOVING this idea!!! I know first hand that my new group of students got to use the bathroom whenever they wanted (no management there) so I know it's going to be tough for them when I say no! Thanks for this tip. :)

    Alexis at Laugh, Eat & Learn

  7. Great idea!! I was going to try an economy system this year, but with everything else new I'm doing I just didn't feel like I could pull it off! :)


  8. I am so glad we have a bathroom in our class. I would go nuts if not. We have a doorbell on your locked door and it would probably send me over the edge if kids were having to ring that every time they went to the bathroom. One thing I don't have is a water fountain, so I make the kids bring a water bottle if they get thirsty. If I ever don't have a bathroom in my room...I will be using your method!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  9. I am so glad we have a bathroom in our class. I would go nuts if not. We have a doorbell on your locked door and it would probably send me over the edge if kids were having to ring that every time they went to the bathroom. One thing I don't have is a water fountain, so I make the kids bring a water bottle if they get thirsty. If I ever don't have a bathroom in my room...I will be using your method!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'


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