
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tried It Tuesday: Podcasts for PD

I'm excited to link up with my friend Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper today to share something new that I just love!
Like many of you, I do A LOT of self-directed professional development.  I am always reading blogs, reading books, reading journals, reading just-about-anything-I-can-get-my-hands-on to learn more about improving myself as a teacher and lifelong learner.  

Then last week while I perusing blog land, I came across a link to the BAM Radio Network.
If you've never visited this website, I strongly encourage you to check it out.  It is here that I discovered hundreds (if not more) of podcasts that I could download to my iPhone to listen to in the car.  Ahhh..taking my PD and making it mobile!

From this website, I found a link to the K-12 Greatest Hits podcast list.  
These podcasts are cutting-edge conversations about anything and everything that is important in education today.  Some of the speakers are well-known, and some are classroom educators.  Either way, the conversations are always engaging and teach me something.  I kind of think of it as talk radio -- but I get to choose the subject!

Speaking of choosing the subject, start looking for your positive thought of the week for this Thursday's linky party, Positive Thinking Thursday. (Click here for more info about this linky party and how to get involved.) I hope to see you back then!!


  1. Thanks for the link! Will definitely have to check it out!

  2. I love the fact that I live less than five minutes from school, but sometimes I think it would be fun to have a longer drive to be able to listen to books on tape or to listen to podcasts like this. Maybe I should go walk on the treadmill and listen. Lol! Thanks for sharing this. Pinning it now!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  3. I've never heard of this but it sounds great! I'm going to put it on my to-do list for the summer. Thanks for linking up! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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