
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday {4/24/14}

This week's Positive Thinking Thursday is in honor of Earth Day, which fell earlier this week:
Nope, not a one!  :)

I also wanted to share this video called the Coca Cola Friendship Machine from Youtube.  Coke built a special vending machine that offered two bottles for the price of one...but there was a small catch in order to be able to get the Cokes.  Watch it and see! 
Ahh...the power of working together!

Now's your chance to link up and share a positive thought with your blog readers.
Thanks for stopping by today and for sharing your positive thoughts with us!  Have a great day!!


  1. I love this linky! That video was awesome ~ I think I may show it to my class today and see what it sparks...maybe letter writing to Coke to get one of those machines around here? Hmmm....

  2. What a great linky! Thanks for hosting such positive thoughts!
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  3. I love your quote, and I love this linky! Thank you!

    Fit to be Fourth

  4. I should have remembered to read through your linky for inspiration before I left the house this morning!

  5. I love this Linky and I think I've fixed my problem as a "no reply blogger!" I reverted back to a simple Blogger Profile and left Google+. I was able to change my settings easily! Please give it a try and see if it worked. Thanks,


  6. I'm totally late to the party! I hope you don't mind that I linked up today! What a fun video!! Wish they would have had one of those Coke machines in my city! That would've been fun!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  7. I missed last week's link-up. I wasn't feeling to positive and cheery though, so I figured you'd definitely understand. XOXO
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'


Thank you for taking the time for stopping by! I would love it if you would leave me a comment to let me know that you were here. (Please make sure that you are not a "No Reply Blogger" so that I can email you back.)