
Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Peek at My Week & Sparking Motivation

I feel terrible....

I just realized that I didn't do ANY blogging last week.  :(

I also didn't do any commenting either... :(

I missed it....I missed you!!

Life has been pretty crazy around here.  After my car accident two weeks ago, I have PT two nights a week after school.  Then I have to sit around with ice on my back and neck every night.  Let me tell you, it is not easy to sit in a chair and type with an ice pack on your shoulder blades.

Hence, no blogging for me...I will try to be better this week. :)

Enough of my sad story...Let's (linky) party!  On to a little motivation with the very sweet Joanne at Head Over Heels for Teaching  and my Peek at My Week linky party!

First, the motivation...

Last week, I did a very fun writing activity with my kiddos that I learned about from the Teen Writer's Academy at the UWM-WP this past summer.where I had them write a letter to a body part that they would like to change.

In their letter, they had to explain why they didn't like that particular body part and how they could change it.  We brainstormed some ideas (your hair, freckles, name, feet, etc.) to set the parameters and the kids went to it.

They put a lot of enthusiasm into their letters.  They couldn't believe that this was actually writing class!  At the end of the writing period, they all turned their letters in to me.

The next day, I mixed up the letters and randomly handed them out.  Then I told the kids that they were to BECOME that body part and write back explaining why they should be appreciated for what they are and how that person is perfect just the way they were made.  At first, some kids were skeptical..."You want me to become freckles?" but they eventually caught on.

Let me just tell you that the letters and responses were incredibly insightful and showed us all that we should each appreciate those things that make us who we are.

Best of all, activities like this really MOTIVATED my students to write and to enjoy writing.  It was a win-win for all of us.

Now on to my weekly linky party, A Peek at My Week...
This week in writing, we are working on developing the characters and settings of our Mystery Narrative project.  This project is the major writing project of our 1st quarter and all of the 4th graders are writing it.  They are sooo excited....
Clip Art:  Krista Walden @ Creative Clips

For my own children, it is Homecoming Week so there will be lots going on with goofy costumes, a parade, and of course, a football game on Friday night.  Kind of makes me miss high school...except for the goofy costumes.

How about you?  What are your plans for this week?  Link up and share!


  1. Don't feel bad about not blogging as much, you have a valid excuse! As for me, I can't say as much! LOL! Here's to a better blogging week!A Tall Drink of Water

  2. Enjoy Homecoming Week! I hope the physical therapy has been helping your back. Thank you for the motivating writing idea.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    Fit to be Fourth
    Follow me on Bloglovin

  3. I hope you continue to feel better and that the therapy is working!

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook

  4. I'm so sorry you got in a car accident and have to deal with all the recovery! Feel better soon and take care of yourself! How exciting for your children! Memories! I love that writing assignment and plan on stealing it! Thanks for sharing and linking up!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  5. Rest up and take care of yourself! What a terrifying experience being in a car accident must have been! I hope you are able to enjoy homecoming this week. That writing assignment is awesome! Thanks:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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