
Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Peek at My Week {September 29, 2013}

Thanks for stopping by!  I'm glad you are here.

I hope you will link up to share a Peek at your Week.  There are lots of great ideas here.   Remember to grab my button and to share the highlights of your upcoming week, whether that be at home or at school.
Whew!  What a week this past one was....

On Monday night when I went down to Chicago to see my sister for dinner, my mom and I were in an accident.  :(((  Everyone is fine, but I will be without my car for at least a month.  I'm just so thankful there were no injuries.  However, this meant a day off of school on Tuesday so I could go to the doctor and handle all of the insurance calls.  I hate being gone...especially if it is not a planned absence.

Moving on to my upcoming week....

I am excited to share that I am now teaching writing to all of the 4th graders at my school.  My teammate Mickey is teaching math to my kiddos and Jamie is now teaching my Science/SS block.  That leaves just reading and writing for me!

I am really looking forward to the opportunities that are coming our way this year.  I feel that I can really dive deep into writing with all of these students because we will be sure to have dedicated writing time every day (so important!) and this opens up lots of collaboration opportunities.

I have a fun project planned to get us started...

Let me set the scene....We are beginning to have some problems with students not always making good choices -- be it with responsibility, not always being honest, being respectful toward others....

Enter.... the Kid President Pep Talk video.
The students LOVE this little guy and really can relate to the message that he shares about choosing to be AWESOME, working on the same team, and making the world a better place.  My fellow teammates and I are really going to try to play up the "Choose Awesome" theme and really concentrate on pointing out the kids who are making good choices.

We are going to watch this video again (maybe twice!) and then as a group we are going to define what AWESOME IS (hard work, greatness, fulfilling, a choice) and what it IS NOT (seeking peer approval, always fair, go with the flow, follow the crowd).  Then we will write about being awesome and I hope to have some of the kiddos put together an iMovie of how they pledge to choose to be AWESOME.

So what about you?  How will you choose to be AWESOME this week?


  1. I also hate unexpected absences but sometimes it just has to be done! I'm glad to hear you and your mother are okay! I'm LOVING this Awesome talk!! I will be showing this to my kiddos next week!! Thanks for sharing. :)

    Alexis at Laugh, Eat, Learn!

  2. What a great little video! I going to use it this week! A Tall Drink of Water

  3. Those "after-accident" details can be so stressful! Glad to hear that you are okay:).

    You must be so happy to be able to focus on writing. How nice that all that summer training will be put to use!

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your accident, but I am thankful that you and your mom are safe.

    I love this idea! Kid President is such a fun way to motivate students. I wonder what my students would come up with as definitions for awesome... I may have to find out.

    Thank you for sharing this, and have a great week!

    Fit to be Fourth
    Follow me on Bloglovin

  5. This is definitely a week you’ll never forget! There’s a lot of things going on and an accident is not a good way to start your Monday. I’m glad to know that you and your mom were safe with no injuries. That’s a huge relief!

    Allan @

  6. “…my mom and I were in an accident.” – This is one scary experience. It’s a relief that you’re both fine. How are you and your mom now, by the way? I hope your check up yields a good result, same with your insurance. It’s a good thing that the week after that was a good one. Somehow, it allowed for you to forget the horrible experience you’d been through.

    Cheryl @


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