
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

One CRAZY Week & Honoring a Retirement

I am happy to say that I survived my last week of school and the insane weekend that followed.  I sat down to blog a few times last week, but my brain was unable to focus on anything so I just gave up.  (Don't you hate when that happens?)  We had a great last week of school and I am looking forward to summer.

On Friday night, my daughter graduated from 8th grade.  It is a HUGE deal to get dressed up, do your hair, wear high heels, etc., etc. --  almost like prom.  My daughter and I have been having this "discussion" about what she would wear because I don't really agree with all of this fanciness for an 8th grade graduation, but in the end she won and I think she looked beautiful! (And I'm proud to say that she decided ON HER OWN to wear sandals instead of heels...)

Then on Saturday, my son had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor and officially became an Eagle Scout.  We had a big lunch afterwards which was a lot of fun!  I got to place his Eagle Scout pin on him -- such an honor!

So last week at school, we had to say goodbye to Mrs. Harder, one the most amazing kindergarten teachers in the world.  After 38 years of teaching, she decided to retire.  (Who can blame her???)  How exactly do you honor such an awesome career?  The best way teachers and students know how...

1.  Each class made her a giant card and presented it to her at the awards ceremony on Wednesday.

2.  To honor the endless number of books she has read to students, we got a copy of Sandra Boynton's book, Yay You! and made a Powerpoint of it, having the students read it to her.  We projected the Powerpoint at the assembly and it was probably the one time that everyone was absolutely SILENT all morning!
3.  We then put together a gift bag of items to symbolize all that she has done for the students and staff at our school.  You have probably seen a gift bag idea similar to this for the beginning or ending of a school year, but I have not seen one to honor a retirement so I had to get creative...

Here is what each item symbolized:

Sharpie -- For the bold mark you've made on the lives of each of us
Lego -- Because you've built our school into a great school
Balloon -- For lifting up your students so they can fly after their dreams
Penny -- For making everyone you meet feel valued
Silly Straw -- For teaching us to find the humor in every day moments
Rubber Band -- You've helped us all stretch to be the best we can be!
Magnifying Glass --  For always seeing the best in every situation
Squishy Eyeball -- For helping your students learn to always keep an eye on their goals
Marbles -- For never losing yours
Amazon Gift Card -- To get some "fun" reading materials

I will miss seeing Mrs. Harder next year, but know that she is off to enjoy a well deserved break!

Speaking of breaks, I hope you are enjoying yours!  Have a great week!


  1. Your daughter is beautiful, but I agree with you about the fuss for 8th grade. You must be so proud of both of your children:). And what a sweet tribute for a retiring teacher!

  2. What an exciting week of milestones!


  3. Wow Jennifer, what a wonderful week you have had with your kids! Eagle Scout is amazing. My son just finished up cub scouts and got his arrow of light. My daughter will be in 8th next year and I'm sure we will be having those kind of fun discussions too. I just found you and love your blog name btw. I'm your newest follower.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  4. I am sure you are a proud mom and you should be! Looks like you had a wonderful week with wonderful kids. :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners


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