
Friday, June 14, 2013

Five for Friday {June14, 2013}

Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday....WOW!  This was my first week of summer break and the week flew by!!!

 1.  Relaxation Rules!:  I've taken a lot of time to get re-acquainted with my sofa this week.  From reading other blogs out there, I get the feeling that I am not alone!  The end of the year is such a crazy time that it takes me about a week to recover.  Next week, I will get back to business!  This week I've been catching up on some fun reading and I have actually cooked dinner EVERY night this week.  (Except for tonight...I'm making my husband take me out.  I don't want the family to get too used to this home cooked meal thing....)

2.  Math Materials:  On the last day of school, we got an email telling us that our math curriculum for next year has arrived at the district office and we can pick it up to explore it over the summer.   I picked up a HUGE box of math stuff that is waiting for me to dig into it.  Glad I will have the summer to do it!

Does anyone use Math Expressions?  How is it?  You can see that it is "Common Core Aligned", so I'm curious.

3.  Reading Common Assessments:  On Tuesday, I met with another teacher from one of the other elementary schools in the district to rework our reading common assessments.  We originally wrote them two years ago when Common Core was brand new so now that we've taught CCSS a few times, we have a better feel for what we are doing.  We tried really hard to whittle them down as much as we could.  I don't think kids need to answer eight questions from the same standard just to prove that they have mastered it.

4.  BizWorld:  My BizWorld kit came this week!  Have you heard of BizWorld?  I first learned of it from Fourth Grade Studio and I immediately jumped on board.  According to the BizWorld website, the BizWorld program:

...teaches the basics of entrepreneurship, business and finance by showing children how the entrepreneurial cycle operates in the friendship bracelet industry. Students are divided into companies, with each student taking on a leadership role to support the team in designing, manufacturing, marketing and selling their products in the BizWorld marketplace.  Students can experience the entire entrepreneurial cycle in just ten hours as they create a revenue stream, deduct expenses, experience a profit or loss, create an income statement and value their company.  The impact the program has on children is vast -- from inspiration to creating their own companies, to understanding the relevance of being successful in life and academics.

Sounds like great hands-on learning to me!  If you go to the Biz World website, you can apply for a reduced cost kit. When I got the email telling me I was chosen to receive a kit, they said I could also get a Biz Wiz kit just by paying the shipping.   I got all of this for about $17:

Financial literacy is something that I feel is greatly lacking in our educational system and I will use these kits as part of my curriculum next year to try to change that.  I know my students will have a BLAST with this program.  I hope you apply for one yourself!

5.  Office Makeover:  My husband graciously (OK, with a little begging from me) finished painting my office yesterday.  I am still working on some final decorating touches so I'm not going to share pictures yet, but I can tell you that my dog Toby has found a new place to hang out while I blog/work.

 How was your week?  Head on over to Doodle Bugs Teaching and link up.  Have a great weekend! 


  1. Isn't it so nice to finally have a little time to relax?? Excited to check back for pics of your office makeover-- that's a fun project!
    Learning to the Core

  2. I can hardly wait to see your new office! I am switching from small dark room to large bright room myself. Love the paint color, and Toby:)

  3. Jennifer,
    First of all, your blog is precious. I am following you, now! I love that you have gotten reacquainted with your sofa...I have too! My husband asked me if I was ever going to move off of it this entire summer. I always try to explain the whole "I have to recharge my batteries" thing...but they just don't get it, do they? That's great that you already have your math curriculum to look over. My district likes to wait until the last minute to give us our supplies! This usually means we don't get it until a day or two before school starts back. So, be glad you have it to look over! My district was deciding between Math Expressions and My Math and went with My Math. I'll let you know how I like it. It will be different, that is for sure. My district is implementing new math, reading, and writing curriculum this year, so I am already a little overwhelmed. But, like you, I refuse to look at anything until mid July at the earliest! I think we both deserve at least the month of July to do whatever the heck we want to!

  4. We do not use Math Expression. We are using Math Connects. I would be interested in seeing how well it would line up to the Common Core. Enjoy your summer.

    Ms Richards's Musings

  5. I am loving the Biz World Concept..however I am wondering if I could adapt it to 1st and 2nd graders that are Special Needs? I am switching buildings and I am really thinking of approaching my principal about starting a Bagel Cart for the Staff maybe on Fridays.
    Have fun with relaxing and doing your new office.


  6. Thanks for popping by my blog! I'm always so excited to find another 4th grade teacher to follow! I will be curious to see what you think of the 2013 Math Expressions. We adopted it last year, but I taught it at another grade level. One of my summer projects is to revamp the pacing guide because our grade level adopted a rotating block schedule for this year so a lesson a day isn't going to cut it! I'm looking forward to digging into the 4th grade materials this summer.

    I3: Imagine. Inspire. Innovate.

  7. Ahhh...Our summers sound quite similar at this point. Learning how to relax...and COMMON CORE! We're all in this together. :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  8. I'll be curious to hear how the Common Core aligned Math Expressions is. I've used previous versions and thought that it was pretty good overall. It's very hands-on and easy to differentiate. It also had lots of connections to children's literature built in.

    The BizWorld stuff looks amazing -- I'm definitely going to check that out for next year.

    Have a relaxing week!
    Eberopolis: Teaching Reading & Writing with Technology

  9. We looked at using Math Expressions, but our district chose enVision Math instead. I'm getting trained on it this week!


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