
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Showing Mom Some Love

Happy weekend everyone! 

Next Sunday is Mother's Day!  The day we honor the lady who gave us life.  : )  Each year, I seem to struggle with what to have my students make for Mother's Day gifts.  This year I majorly procrastinated....and it has paid off! 

While I was blog stalking the other night, I came across the perfect idea for a simple, yet heartfelt, Mother's Day gift from Bethany at Fab and Fun in 4th!  Here's the plan...

I had my kids think of 10 adjectives to describe their mom.  We even got out the thesauruses because we wanted to banish boring words like "fun" or "nice".  The kids had a great time trying to "out do" each others word list. 

Then we went to and typed in our words.  We followed our list by typing 'mom' three times so it would appear the largest.  After pressing 'go', a word cloud about mom was created.  The students adjusted the fonts and colors to their linking and then printed them in color.

We then glued our Wordles onto scrapbook paper.  Here are a few samples:

Then the students chose a piece of pretty stationery and wrote their mom a letter telling her how much they loved her.

I have to say, my students wrote some pretty touching (and often hilarious) things.  One of my boys wrote all of these amazing things about his mom..."You are the best mom in the world.  I remember when I was little, you would read to me every night and tell me that you loved me....." and then his final line read:  "Can we have tacos for dinner and get a dog?"  I almost burst out laughing because it was so heartfelt, yet funny!  (I wonder if it will work.....It probably would for me!  :)

After gluing the letters to the back of the scrapbook paper, I glued down a photo I had taken of each student outside on Tuesday when the weather was sunny and amazing.  I will laminate the sheets and I hope that they will become a treasured keepsake for all of the moms.

How do you help your students celebrate Mother's Day?  Any other quick ideas or thoughts to share?  I'd love to hear from you!

One last thought....Have you noticed my new "Fourth Grade Blogger" button?  Thanks to Mandy at Caffeine and Lesson Plans for setting up a page with grade level blogs and these cute buttons.  This will make it soooo much easier to find other blogs by grade level.  Head on over to get your own!

1 comment:

  1. We love WORDLE! I hadn't thought of using it for Mother's Day. That's a great suggestion!
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners


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