
Sunday, May 5, 2013

I Appreciate You!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Like many of you out there, I have always wanted to be a teacher.  I remember many weekends when I was younger, playing school with my sister in her bedroom.  I, of course, would always be the teacher and she would be the student.  I would get the extra "dittos" from my teachers to use, give her spelling tests, and let her choose stickers from my sticker book to put on her worksheets.  We had a blast! (OK, maybe it was only me that had a blast but she was a good sport!)

 As I look back at these times, I realize that one of the reasons that I have wanted to be a teacher all of my life is because I had some pretty amazing teachers myself as I grew up.  Teachers who connected with me, believed in me, pushed me when I needed it (and pulled me when I didn't cooperate), and taught me that I could be anything I wanted to be.  I wish that I could go back and thank each and every one of them right now!  :)

Good teachers are an extremely committed group.  We get up early, work late, and even dream about how we can help our students.  Although "Teacher" is our official title, we are also counselors, nurses, psychologists, referees, coaches, parents, social workers, cheerleaders and nutritionists for our students whenever they need it -- and we do all of this AND teach!  I consider it to be an honor to be a teacher and although some days are really rough, I always look forward to the fresh start the next day will bring.

So in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, I'm linking up with Mr. Hughes and An Educator's Life for his 2nd Annual Teacher Appreciation Challenge. 

We all have teachers in our past who have made a lasting mark on us.  Mr. Hughes has asked us linking up with this linky party to honor a teacher that they currently work with.  Share the love, fill a bucket, make someone's day.....
I would like to honor one of my current team members, Jamie.  Jamie and I have been teaching 4th grade together for two years.  She is AMAZING and she pushes me to be an even better teacher every day.  Jamie is incredibly creative and she is a joy to collaborate with.  (It's scary how much we are on the same page some days....) Like so many of us, Jamie gives of her time and talents very generously to the students who enter her classroom every day, and I KNOW they are better off for having spent time with her.  Thank you, Jamie!  :)
So I hope more of you will help spread the love and link up with An Educator's Life this week to honor someone you work with.  You'll be glad that you did!  
Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks SO much for linking up in the 2nd Annual Challenge. WAHOO! Have a great week, and Thank YOU for being amazing.
    -Mr. Hughes
    An Educator's Life


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