
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Positive Thinking Thursday {1-15-15}

It's Thursday, which means its' time for Positive Thinking Thursday.  Thanks for visiting!

In my 4th grade classroom, we have been working on developing a growth mindset -- the idea that mistakes are OK, we learn by trying, and even if we don't 'have it' yet, we will! My students have been super awesome with this so when I saw this quote, I knew it was perfect for this week's Positive Thought:
As an added bonus this week, I'd like to share a short video that was shared with me on a Twitter chat earlier this week.  The topic was using our time to do those things that are most important to us.  If you have about 3 minutes, I hope you will watch:

Wishing you an amazing day!


  1. Love that video, thanks for sharing! I saw you got into the #4thchat, was this video there? If so, I missed it. I'm new to Twitter, and Monday was my second time joining that chat. I'm overwhelmed by it, but I love the atmosphere of teaching sharing and learning together. I still have a ton of tabs on my laptop with links from Monday that I haven't gotten to yet...

    4th Works

  2. Growth mindset is so important! I am always looking for ways to increase it. Thanks!

    Mrs. Spangler in the Middle

  3. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.


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