
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015: I'm Ready! {OLW & Nerdlution)

On the eve of this new year, I am looking forward to the experiences, challenges, and opportunities that are ahead.  2014 was a wonderful year -- my best yet! -- and I know 2015 will be even more amazing!

I used to be one for making lots of new year's resolutions...lose weight, watch less TV, be kinder, blah, blah, blah....You know how that goes.  Come January 15, I have completely forgotten (or chosen to ignore) my resolutions and I'm back to my old ways.

Then last year, I discovered the power of adopting just one word to guide my entire year, instead of making a million resolutions.  This one word is so powerful, so easy to follow, and it took me to amazing places last year.

For 2015, I have a new word:
If you'd like to use my button for your own OLW, here it is.  Feel free to copy it and use it.
Now, while I no longer make resolutions, I cannot resist being a part of #Nerdlution2015, thanks to Colby Sharp and the amazing people at the Nerdy Book Club.
nerdlution (1)
I'll admit it, this past year one of my most exciting discoveries was that I, indeed, was a nerd.  Nerds have over-the-top passion and excitement for something.  For me, that turned out to be books and teaching my 4th graders. (I am not alone though...I am finding many "nerd friends" that have been hiding out at my school, just waiting to share their nerdiness with others.  :)

As part of #Nerdlution2015, I pledge to write every day for the next 50 days.  This may be working on a story, writing in my journal, or blogging, but I will produce some kind of writing every day.


I've said it.

What will you be nerdy about in 2015?  Join the #Nerdlution!


  1. Nerds rule the world my friend : )
    All the best to you in 2015 !
    Looking forward to reading some of your daily writing : )

  2. 50 days is much more doable than 365. Happy New Year!
    Love from your nerdy Canadian friend
    Grade 4 Buzz

  3. That's MY word too!!!!!! I think it will be cool to watch and see how this word works for each of us. HAPPY New Year!!!!

  4. I think I now get the OLW thing - and I love your button! One little word is way better than all those resolutions, you're so right! Thanks for the soon as I get enough energy, I'm going to type a new years post!
    happy 2015!
    BigTime Literacy


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