
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Scoop {11-16-14}

Did you wake up to snow this morning like I did?  Ughhh...It's a good thing it's Sunday which means I don't have to drive anywhere in it.

Sunday also means getting ready for the upcoming week so I'm linking up with the ladies over at Teaching Trio for Sunday Scoop.
Have to Do:
* The short week before Thanksgiving, I have been called for jury duty.  I have to think about sub plans for what could potentially be three days out.
* This Thursday is the second night of parent teacher conferences.  I enjoy talking with the families of my students, but I do not enjoy spending almost 12 hours at school.  It makes for a very long day.
* We are putting a hardwood floor in our dining room and in case my husband hasn't noticed, Thanksgiving is a week and a half away.  Better get a move on it...

Hope to Do:
* I've been working on some short content-area themed fluency passages and hope to get them finished and into my TPT store soon.
*  With all of the recent updates to iTunes/iPhone software, my photos have stopped automatically uploading to my iPhoto file or the cloud.  I have NO IDEA why this is suddenly happening (AGAIN!) and it makes me feel really cranky about blogging because adding pictures is such a problem.  Does anyone know why this is happening???

Happy to Do:
* My dad and stepmom are coming up for lunch today.  We haven't seen them since June so it will be nice.

I hope you have a great week!  Don't forget to stop back on Thursday for Positive Thinking Thursday.  In the mean time, I'm going to see if I can figure out the picture downloading problem I'm having so I can get some new posts going.


  1. I hope you get to have an amazing lunch! It's always nice in our busy schedules to carve out some relaxing family time. My hope is to bring home McAllister's today, finish grading, and hopefully get Season 2 of Mad Men finished. It's the little things right?

    Have a great Sunday!
    My Shoe String Life

  2. I hope conferences go well for you! Mine are next week M/ will be nice to have the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving, but I know I will be exhausted! :)

  3. I've been using Dropbox to automatically upload from my iPhone. If you don't store all your pics there forever, the free plan is a good bit of storage. Once you download the desktop app, it functions just like a regular folder on your computer. Thanks for linking up with us!
    Chalk & Apples
    Teaching Trio

  4. I hope you enjoyed lunch with your dad! Hopefully, jury duty will be interesting. I have never served, but I know some people who have seen quite a few interesting cases.

    I completely agree with both of your point about conferences!

    Fit to be Fourth

  5. I woke up to snow too! I wasn't used to going for a run in that white stuff. Luckily, it melted in the afternoon. Did yours? Have a great week!!!!
    Grade 4 Buzz


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