
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Scoop {10-5-14}

Happy beautiful Sunday from southeastern Wisconsin!  After a rainy, overcast day yesterday, the sun has broken through and I think I might actually hear a bird chirping.

If you are looking for A Peek at My Week, last week was the last week for that linky party.  :(  Times change and so must my blog.  I appreciate everyone who participated over the past year.  I met some amazing teachers and bloggers!  If you are looking for another weekly Peek linky party, check out Mrs. Wills Kindergarten.

With that being said, I am excited to try some new things.  Today, I am going to link up with Teaching Trio for Sunday Scoop.  Such a great linky!
Have To's:
1.  Every educator in the state of Wisconsin has to write a SLO goal (Student Learning Objective goal) and submit it to the state.  We will work on these at early release on Thursday.
2.  Tuesday is our first Peer Helpers meeting.  This is a new group at school for student leaders.  It is exciting to watch this group take shape and develop a purpose.
3.  Meal planning...My family may starve this week if I don't do this soon.  Just sayin'.....

Hope To's:
1.  AWESOME books!
2.  What is better than baking in October?  Can we say apples and cinnamon?  YUM!

Happy To:
1.  My step dad is turning 89 on Friday!  My step sister is flying in from Florida for a family dinner.  It will be great to see her and to celebrate with the family.

Have a great week!


  1. You inspire me! Love the layout

  2. I have started a new weekly post on menu planning for the week because I too plan my week at once and had a lot of people share. Let me know if you ever want to link up. I want to bake something with my girls today, so maybe something fallish will be tasty. You helped me remember that I have to write my goal for my evaluation...opps...almost forgot.

    Kovescence of the Mind

  3. Baking in October is definitely the best! Hope the birthday turns out wonderful! :)

    First Grade Shashay

  4. I have goals to write as well! I think that may go on NEXT week's Sunday Scoop for me. I am procrastinating at the moment. I have lot of open-ended reading responses to grade. Those just take forever! Enjoy the birthday celebration and the smells of fall baked goods!
    Laughter and Consistency

  5. Sorry to see "Peek" go but I understand. Looking forward to whatever else you have up your sleeve! :)

    Mrs. Spangler in the Middle


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