
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday {10-23-14}

Happy Thursday!  Thanks for stopping by for Positive Thinking Thursday!

Life sure is crazy these days!  Lesson plans, report cards, parent-teacher conferences, assessments....the list goes on and on.  Some days I wonder if I will make it through to see the other end of November.

If we stop to think about all that is going on, it can be overwhelming. Focusing on what is going well -- and things that we can control --  will help us get through it!

I'll admit it...I am a natural-born worrier.  I think it comes with the territory of being a firstborn child. But I'm trying hard to overcome that and to only focus on now, letting everything else work itself out on its own.

It's not easy, but I'm working on it.

This week's positive thought is dedicated to all the worriers {like me} out there:

Something I should remind myself of often
So don't let that list of things that you have to do or things you can't control paralyze you, stopping you from doing those things that are within your control.  Worrying about them won't get you anywhere. 

Instead, use that rocking chair to read a book or watch a sunset.  

You'll feel much better in the end.

And those things you worried about?  They are going to work themselves out in their own way, in their own time -- without you.

Wishing you a wonderful day without any worries!


  1. I'm a natural born worrier too! That darn first born child thing..!! :) Thanks for the quote. I too, need to stop worrying and just let it all fall where it belongs. :)
    Happy Thursday!
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

  2. I am a chronic worrier myself. Although I've become better with age, reminders like this are always welcome and appreciated. Thank you!

    Fit to be Fourth


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