
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday {10-2-14}

It has been a beautiful few weeks here in southeast Wisconsin.  The weather has been so nice that you would swear that it was still summer.  I will take each beautiful day I can get because I'm sure winter
will be here before I know it.

The zinnias in my garden are loving the warm days and cool nights.  Aren't they lovely?
When I saw this on Pinterest, I knew it would be the perfect positive thought for this time of year:
So where are you planning on soaring to soon?

Have an amazing day!


  1. I think my schedule is finally all settled so I am planning to soaring into focusing just on Language Arts! :) One prep - bliss!!

    Mrs. Spangler in the Middle

  2. I wrote a blog post with mine- starting the first day of my All Star Chorus! :)

  3. Great post! Often times we depend or lean on people or things too long and we are scared or to lazy to try.


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