
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday {9-18-14}

Welcome to Positive Thinking Thursday!  How is your week going?
The beginning of the school year can be an overwhelming time -- lessons to plan, assessments to give, data to analyze.  Some days it can seem like too much.

This year, I am really focusing on slowing down and being mindful.  This quote really spoke to me:

Wishing you an amazing day!


  1. I love this quote. Slowing down is hard sometimes, but it is so important!

  2. I feel the calm exuding from this quote - which is exactly what I needed. I am definitely approaching complete overload right now! I also think this might be a great quote for me to hang up in my room for the students. With all the new rigor that is expected of them, I think would be a great reminder that they need to just do what they can.

    Mrs. Spangler in the Middle

  3. Yup...deep breaths especially when I want to do more!


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