
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday {9-11-14}

Welcome to Positive Thinking Thursday!
These past two weeks, my students and I have spent a lot of time talking about effort and why it's important to give things a try.  Some of us are so afraid of making a mistake or not doing something perfectly that we are reluctant to try new things.  This causes a lot of missed opportunities, wouldn't you say?

In our classroom this year, we are trying to celebrate mistakes.  Why?  Because that's one way we learn!
Great thought to keep in mind and an awesome collection of tips for making your website better!
Imagine how much learning we could all do if we were just willing to give it a try!  Celebrate mistakes today and see what happens.

Have an amazing day full of lots of new learning and perseverance!


  1. Great example yesterday in class about playing video games, Mrs. Laffin! I'm loving writing :)

  2. I love this quote. I have definitely been guilty of letting fear of failure stand in my way from time to time. However, it's the things I "fail" at in the beginning that seem to become my biggest strengths over time. Thank you!

    Fit to be Fourth

  3. That would be a great poster to share when a student is feeling bad about their first attempt - I just need to figure out what to do with my 8th graders who are ok with stopping at their first attempt (one and done).

    Mrs. Spangler in the Middle

  4. I know we've talked about this many times before, but our kiddos are just plain old not able to fail at something...and be ok with it! I'm trying so hard as well to teach this to them. Maybe we'll start to see a difference if we just keep going for it. I know I'm trying to lead by example these days and show them it's ok to make mistakes... I know I've made plenty. :) Thanks for sharing!
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard


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