
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday {9-04-14}

It's Thursday, which means it's time for some positive thinking!  Thank you for joining me this week for Positive Thinking Thursday.
By now, schools across the US are all back in session.  Many of us have been back for weeks now, while for some of us (like me), it has been only a few days.

The beginning of the year is an exciting time! It is the time that we start planning for all of the great things that will develop in time.  Students who will learn to read, conquer a difficult math problem, or learn how to speak in front of others.

So this week's positive thought is so perfect for the beginning of the year...

Here's to all of your small beginnings that will lead to great things!

Wishing you an amazing day!


  1. This is a perfect quote for me - I am working on my 8th graders to realize that we have to start with the little things in order for the big things to be come out right. Thanks!

    Mrs. Spangler in the Middle

  2. This quote is perfect, especially as we work out all the kinks that come with the beginning of the year. It's not always easy to learn/teach new procedures/get back into a routine. Thank you!

    Fit to be Fourth


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