
Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Peek at My Week {9-14-14}

Thank you for stopping by A Peek at My Week.  I hope you are having a great weekend!
We are beginning our third week of school and things are going well!  My group is a little chatty this year, but we are working on that.  They are eager, sweet learners and I know we will do great things this year!

On Tuesday, we will take our reading MAP test.  I have been working to gather lots of data on my students (reading conferences, reading reflections, Star Reader, etc.) so the MAP test will add one more data point for me to use.

In math, we have been reviewing  place value and thanks to the amazing third grade teachers, most of my students "get it."  Last year, we began using Expressions math which really stresses the conceptual understanding of what students are learning.  This week, we will begin reviewing adding larger numbers.  Did you know there are FOUR different methods to add larger numbers?  I'm used to the "carry the one" method so this should be fun!

I'm excited to begin our first novel study in reading class, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.  We will be using this awesome product from Lightbulb Minds.  (LOVE their products!)

Wishing you an amazing week!


  1. HA! I was just writing a post about my week! I went to look for a picture to put at the heading and this came up! Happy to jump in on the linky!
    Lessons With Coffee

  2. I'm so glad that your students are really 'getting' place value this year. I swear last year we felt like we were banging our heads with the new resources for math, so it's nice to hear that they still have some things when they come to you. It's always so sad to me that they forget so much after all of the hard work that goes into the teaching/learning process! Love Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing! I'm excited to hear about your unit. See you tomorrow.
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

  3. Thank you for the Link Up! It looks like your year is off to a great start! Hope you have a great year! :)

    First Grade Shashay


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