
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Writer's Toolkits -- A Workshop Must-Have

Have you ever had a student who spent more time during writing class looking for a pencil than actually writing?

Yep, me too.

Last year, I decided it was time to put an end to this excuse by giving each of my students a Writer's Toolkit at the beginning of the year.  This week, I have been working on putting together the Toolkits in preparation of school beginning on September 2nd.

What goes in the Writer's Toolkits?

  • A pencil
  • A highlighter
  • Two pencil cap erasers
  • One pink eraser
  • A red pen
  • A green pen
  • A small pack of Post-Its 

All of these writing supplies go inside a plastic pencil case.
Then I put a label on the front of the box and write the student's name on the top of the box.
You can download the label for free from my TPT store if you would like.

In our writing workshop, students are taught to get their Toolkit out when they go in their desk to retrieve their writer's notebooks.  They also bring it with when they conference with me.  That way, we don't waste time trying to find a pencil to take notes or a pen to work on editing.

What tips and tricks do you have for your writing workshop?


  1. Love the labels!! We use tool boxes too - only not as cute as yours : )
    I have also taken to reducing the number of books/resources they keep in their desks since a few desks always turn into black holes!!

  2. I love this idea! Where did you get the cute cases? Were they a good price?
    Grade 4 Buzz

  3. I love this idea! Just today I had one looking for a pencil when he was supposed to be writing!

  4. What a wonderful idea to have all of the tools in one place! Thanks!


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