
Friday, August 22, 2014

Engaging Student Writers

Do you have students in your classroom who are looking for a little extra challenge or engagement when it comes to writing?

You know the ones...Those students who create the most amazing stories or writing pieces with little effort while others are expending major energy on just building five minutes of writing stamina.

If you do and you are looking for a way to engage and excite your prolific writers, have you seen this new website for student writers (ages 10-18), KidsAreWriters?  I just came across it on Twitter last night and thought it looked pretty amazing.
On this website, student writers are offered activities and ideas to take their writing to the next level.  They have fun writing activities and picture prompts like this one:
They even just finished a virtual writing summer camp for students with daily writing prompts.  (Oh, how I wish I knew about this website back in June...)  As students complete their writing, they are able to submit it to the website via the comments section for feedback on a first come, first served basis.  How fun!

So as I begin this new school year, I will be adding this website to my teaching toolbox to use to help me meet the needs of all of my student writers.

What tools or resources do you use to help differentiate your writing instruction?


  1. Great website - I am passing that on to my friend right now!! Thanks : )

  2. That looks perfect! I was looking for a way to step up writing. Do you think it would work as a rotation?

  3. Thank you so much for this website! How cool!! :)


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