
Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Peek at My Week {8-17-14}

Welcome to Sunday and another edition of A Peek at My Week, my weekly linky party where we can all share our plans for the upcoming week.
This is my last week of summer vacation.  * sigh *  I know so many of you are back already so you know what that "last week" feels like.

I am having this internal struggle over this week....Do I spend it trying to cram in as many projects as I can to get ready for school, or do I spend it relaxing and doing almost nothing because I know it will be awhile before I get free time again?

What would you do?

Yesterday, I wrote about celebrating all of the things I didn't get done this summer over at my writing blog, Sweet Writing Life.  I don't know about you, but if I look back at my list of goals to be accomplished this summer, the list would still be long.  However, instead of stressing about this, I am going to celebrate all of the things that I DID accomplish this summer -- relaxation, making memories with my family, and connecting with other educators online and via Twitter.  (You can take a peek at that post here if you would like.)

So, as I look toward this final week, I ask myself -- how much can I really accomplish this week?  Is it worth it to stress myself out over trying to cross tasks off my to-do list?

Probably not...

So my plan is going to be to take it very easy this week, to not let the feeling of what is to come overwhelm me and stress me out.

It might not be easy, but it will be worth it!

I hope you find some time for relaxation this week!


  1. I definitely vote for relaxing because it's just as you said - relaxing is something that there will be less time for once school starts. :)

  2. I am notorious for creating a completely unreasonable to do list. I think many teachers are. It seems to be in our blood. I agree with Lisa, and I vote to relax. Enjoy spending time with family and friends while you have it! I completely agree with you about celebrating what you did accomplish because it is impossible to do everything.

    Fit to be Fourth


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