
Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Peek at My Week {6/22/14}

It's that time again....Time to start thinking about our week!
I am just beginning to recuperate from last week.  I spent two wonderful days in Warsaw, IN at the All Write 14 conference.  If you'd like to read about my experience, you can find it here.

Week #2 of summer break looks to be busy as well.  Here's what I've got going on:

My sister and her family are visiting from Dallas, where they moved a year ago.  It will be great to have them all back home for the week!  Ironically, the week they decide to come back home to Wisconsin is the week where our weather is taking a nose dive back into spring.  Here is the picture she texted us last night before leaving Dallas to show they were ready for Wisconsin weather, which is predicted to be in the 70's at best:
Also this week, I will begin the UW-Milwaukee Writing Project's Advanced Institute.  Last year, I participated in the summer institute and it was one of the best experiences of my life.  You can read about it here if you would like.  This summer, we will be meeting for half days to conduct research that we will turn into either a conference presentation or a journal article. 

For my project, I will be looking at the research behind the importance of teaching writing in our schools. Remember back when writing was one of the "3 R's" of a solid education? That's not always the case nowadays.  I'm proposing that we return writing back to the prominence it deserves and I will explain why in my article. I'm excited to begin!

Have a great week!


  1. I loved reading about your writing conference last year. I recorded many of your excellent ideas! Have fun with this new endeavour. I'm nearly done with this school year. :-)
    Grade 4 Buzz

  2. Your writing conferences inspire me - I may just have to go next year! For now I have some small potatoes workshops coming up next week. :)

    <a href=">Mrs. Spangler in the Middle</a>

  3. I'm your newest follower! I love seeing how everyone's week went. I'm out for summer, but I've been training teachers across the state of Tennessee for the last couple of weeks!


  4. I would be interested to read what you think about writing. I've always thought it's the hardest subject to teach and the first thing that most people drop when they have to fit something else in their schedule, like an assembly. It's the one area that my district has never had a solid curriculum in.

    Forever in Fifth Grade

  5. I am looking forward to reading about returning writing back to the other two! Thanks for the great linky party!

    Get Your Science on in room 701 

  6. Ohhhhh...have so much fun with your sister and her family!!! Can't wait to see more pictures of their visit!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  7. I remember reading about the Writing Institute last summer, and I'm looking forward to hearing about it this year. Have a wonderful time with your family this week!

    Fit to be Fourth


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