
Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Peek at My Week {6-01-14}

It's Sunday, which means it's time for another edition of A Peek at My Week, my weekly linky party where you can share what you've got going on this week.  Many of you are on summer vacation (lucky you!), but I still hope you will link up and share your plans for your week.  If nothing else, it gives those of us who are still in school hope that there is life on the other side of the last day of school.
Two more weeks...two more weeks....I can do this.

Last week, we finished reading Frindle.  The kids really loved this book and all of the crazy antics between Nick and Mrs. Granger.  It was an awesome end-of-the-year read.  This week, we are reading The Chocolate Touch.  (Chocolate is something that is near and dear to my heart.)  We began on Friday, and the students have already figured out that there is a connection between this story and mythology (King Midas and the Midas Touch.)
This is our last week for Writing class.  We are finishing up our "Seeing Both Sides" papers.  For this project, I asked students to choose from a list of "opinionated" topics (Students should go to school year-round, Kids should be allowed to have their phones at school, All students should be required to play an instrument, etc.) and to write about BOTH sides of each topic.  This took lots of modeling and practice because it's very difficult for 4th graders to see anybody else's point of view, but it was worth it.  We will be publishing our papers then having a publication party.

On Tuesday, the hubby and I will celebrate 19 years of wedded bliss!  Talk about time flying!
Looking ahead....I am super excited to be attending the All Write Summer Institute in Warsaw, IN on June 19-20.  There is a great line up of speakers - Donalyn Miller, Stephanie Harvey, Ruth Ayers, Colby Sharp, Franki Sibberson and my writing idol, Barry Lane.  I can't wait!!  Are you going???

Have a great week!

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