
Friday, May 2, 2014

Currently May

Oh, May!  How I love thee!!!  A few months ago, I never dreamed May would ever arrive, but here she is which means it's time to link up with Farley's Currently.  (Thanks, Farley!!)
Listening:  It has rained EVERY day this week so this is a pretty common sound.  I don't mind this though...I love the sound of the rain.

Loving:  All of a sudden, it seems like my students have blossomed!  We have come a long way this year and I am so proud of all of their hard work.

Thinking:  There is something on the calendar almost every day in May.  Ughhh...I'll need the summer to recover.

Wanting:  I'm itching to get those pots planted.  Garden Center, here I come!

Needing:  Weekends are for napping.  Period.

Surprise:  Have you met Mary at Fit to be Fourth?  She is a fellow dog-rescuer and shares the most amazing mentor texts ever!  (My friends at Amazon thank her every time she posts because I usually end up ordering whatever she wrote about because her posts are awesome!)  Stop by and get to know her!
Fit to Be Fourth

I hope to see you back on Sunday for my A Peek at My Week linky party.  Have a great weekend!


  1. I feel your pain with your May calendar..I need people to stop scheduling events for me :) Hopefully it will slow down for June!!

  2. I'm feeling you on the nap front!! I've been feeling so proud of my students lately too, and it's making me (almost) sad for the year to end!!

    Have a great weekend!
    Munchkins Inc.

  3. We have had so much rain too, Jennifer! Too much indoor recess! Have a great weekend!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  4. I only saw one word.........NAPPING! I heart you...and Mary too!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. Thank you so much for mentioning me here! That truly was a great surprise!!! I am so glad I got to know you through this world of blogging!

    I can't wait to start planting flowers!

    Fit to be Fourth

  6. It's raining right now as I type this and there isn't anything better than napping on rainy days! I need to join you at the garden center to purchase spring plants/flowers! May will fly by so quickly with all you have planned! Enjoy!


  7. I know, May seems to the the busiest time of the year! Hope you have a great week!!

    Friends of Reading


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