
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday {4-17-14}

I hope you have lots to feel positive about today!  If you don't, here are a few things to get you started:

  1. You woke up this morning.
  2. There's a good chance you have tomorrow off.
  3. Spring has arrived.  YAY!
  4. It's Positive Thinking Thursday!

Every Thursday, I share a positive thought with the staff at my school that I found on Pinterest. (You can find my Pinterest Inspirations board here if you'd like to see more or follow me.)  I place these thoughts on the table in the staff lounge.  Throughout the day, teachers and staff read and/or take a copy with them.  It has been a great hit this year -- a tradition I'm glad I started.
Through this linky party, many teachers have begun their own Positive Thinking Thursday traditions at their own schools.  I hope you will consider joining in as well!  :)

Here is my positive thought of the week:
Perfect for spring, wouldn't you say?

Want to join in and share some positive thinking with all of us?  Simply grab my button and link back to your post.  


  1. I love your thought for today - my kiddos need to see/hear that one! And so they shall... :)

  2. very true! Butterflies are my this is PERFECT for me! I shall be positive all day. I do have tomorrow off, so that makes me happy! :) XO
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  3. Your positive thought for today is very appropriate for our staff this year. We moved to another school for this year while our school is getting worked on, and the whole staff hates it and are miserable, including me. None of them like change, and they admit it. Not me. I do like change. That's why I'm always changing things up in my classroom and going on diff. field trips every year. : )

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  4. I love the idea of positing positive thoughts in the staff lounge!! thanks so much! Love this idea for myself as well to keep staying positive!


    Style Closet to Classroom

  5. Love that this party is growing! I hate that I missed this's my spring break (which is positive) and I just lost track of time! I'll be back next week!!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  6. I love the idea of sharing positive thoughts in the teacher's room. Who doesn't need a little positive boost every once in a while!


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