
Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Peek at My Week {3-23-14}

Welcome to another edition of A Peek at My Week, my weekly linky party where you can share what you've got going on this week!
This is our last week before Spring Break and also the last week of the quarter.  That means that it is MAJOR catch up/finish up time.  I will be working on report cards this week so I don't have to do them over break.

For our read aloud in class, we have been reading The Lemonade Wars by Jacqueline Davies.  I managed to pick up 25 copies of this book from Scholastic Book Clubs earlier this year when they were $1 each so each student has one to hold in their hand and follow along during read aloud time.
If you haven't read this book, I would highly recommend it.  The students are loving it!  It shows how math is used in the real world (the students love trying to figure out the math before the author reveals the answer in the book), is great for teaching point of view and has some amazing "golden lines" that can be lifted for writing.  We will be finishing up this week.  

I'm trying to figure out what we should read next, after we return from break.  I'm thinking about The Fairy Tale Detectives by Michael Buckley.  I read this to my class last year in 4th quarter while we were learning about tall tales, fractured fairy tales, and mythology.  It was a great read aloud!
Also this week, students will begin drafting their biography research projects.  I was going to try to have those all finished up before break, but I don't want to rush the important drafting and revising stages.  My goal is to have all drafting done this week.  I will collect the drafts for break (so they don't get lost or tossed).  Then we will revise and publish the week we come back.

Finally on Friday, we will be having a Pancake Snack to as we look at some old slides (yes, slides!!) of lumber jacking in Wisconsin history.  We have parents coming in to make pancakes with lots of fun toppings to enjoy while we look at the slides.  We are starting to get into the more modern history of our state (if you call the 1800s modern) and the kids are learning some pretty cool things.  Did you know that Wisconsin is called the Badger State because the lead miners that came to Wisconsin in the 1800s with the lead rush were too busy to build houses so they dug holes in the sides of hills and just lived there (sometimes with their families -- not my idea of comfort!) when they weren't at mining lead?  The kids thought this was pretty fascinating!

Wishing you a great week!


  1. Flapjack Friday!! Love it! What a perfect snack to enjoy while looking at pics of lumberjacks. Have you ever read Marven of the Great North Woods? Takes place at a logging camp.
    Hope your week races by...have a fun spring break!

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  2. I read The Lemonade War several years ago...I didn't realize it was a series until a few days ago when I was in the book fair. I need to pick up the other books! Have a great week!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  3. Thanks for the recommendation! The Lemonade Wars sound great for our end of year book.
    Grade 4 Buzz

  4. Those $1 books on Scholastic are the BEST! It sounds like you have a great week coming up!


  5. I love The Lemonade War! Also, it comes in handy when teaching the 3rd person omniscient point of view! I have gotten to read any of the sequels yet... hopefully soon!

  6. I love that you're having a pancake breakfast to talk about the history of our State. I'm looking forward to seeing what the kids learn! :)
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard


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