
Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Peek at My Week {3-09-14}

Welcome to another edition of A Peek at My Week, the weekly linky party where you can share your plans for the upcoming week.  I just love checking out what everybody else has going on!

The sun rose an hour later here in Wisconsin....Daylight Savings Time.  That means an hour of lost sleep -- but also an extra hour of sunlight tonight.  Ahhh....I think spring is on its way!

I hope you have a great week planned for yourself. I know many of you have spring break this week. I'm so jealous. We don't have break until March 31st. Oh well...Here's what I've got going on this week:
This week, we are beginning to work on our biography research projects.  While planning for this unit, I reflected back to how I've taught it in the past and decided it was time for a change.

As a lifelong learner myself, research is something that comes naturally to me.  Anyone who knows me, knows how addicted I am to reading professional books that will help me learn new things.  I am always on the prowl for ideas and best practices that can help improve my students' achievement.  While this is good for me, it is something that I assume is everyone knows how to do.  Even my students....But they don't.

When I've taught this research unit in the past, I have always assumed that my students knew HOW to research.  But as I reflect back on this, I realize that their idea of research was copying information off of the internet and recycling it (sometimes word-for-word) in their own research project.  Ughhh...

So this year we will begin our research project by learning HOW to research.

I am excited to share my newest product in my TPT Store -- Getting Ready to Research!
In this unit, students will learn 
     * The difference between informational and research writing
     * The pros and cons of using books, encyclopedias & the internet to research
     * Evaluating website reliability
     * How to avoid plagiarism
     * How to take notes & paraphrase
     * Citing sources
     * Creating a bibliography
I just know this unit will help set my students up for success in researching!  I'll let you know how it goes.

I wish you a great week!  Thanks for stopping by and for linking up!!


  1. I have run into similar difficulties with research. I always need to remind myself that, for many of my students, fourth grade is the first time they complete a major research project. Have fun with your biographies!

    Our spring break is a week ahead of yours, but still a ways off.

    Fit to be Fourth

  2. I've had problems with my 6's too and the thing is they do have problems learning how to put information into their own words. Your post made me think that it would be great to give them a mini paragraph daily that they would have to put into their own words and the best re-phrasing would earn some type of reward. This way when they start to do research they already think in this mindset.
    Doodling Around with 6th

  3. Love this! I'm going to put it on my wishlist for my kiddos!! Thanks for sharing!

    Alexis at Laugh. Eat. Learn.

  4. I'm starting biography research this week too. We are going to do a mini biography first together as a class, so I won't start research work until late in the week. Even with sixth graders I have to spend time with HOW to research. Have a great week!

    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  5. Research is always a topic for which I could use more ideas! Still waiting for Spring Break here - 2 weeks to go!

  6. Hey Jennifer! My students are starting research soon and I wondered: Do you have some recommendations for reliable research websites that you have used with your students in these research projects? I always struggle to find kid-appropriate search engines or research sites with reliable info!


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