
Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Made It {August 12, 2013} & Blog Hoppin'!

Do you hear that sound???

I definitely hear it....

It sounds like a clock ticking...Ticking down the last few days before I go back.  I begin teaching summer school on Wednesday and while I will really miss being home, I am also looking forward to getting back at it.

Today I'm linking up with two linky parties...First, Monday Made It with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics.
I spent a lot of time this week reading...I'm trying to get through Writing Circles by Jim Vopat and Word Nerds by Brenda Overturf before I go back to school.  Both are AWESOME books and I would probably feel more accomplished if I actually finished one book before beginning another, but I digress...

So here are two things I made this week, one for school and one for home.
For my door at school
Homemade sweet pickles with cucumbers from the garden

I did make a few other things, but they are in my classroom (I forgot to take pictures before relocating them) so I will post pics of those later.  :)  I don't know about you, but I'm a little forgetful these days....

Next, I'm excited to do a special link up this week with the gals from Blog Hoppin' for Teacher Week '13!

What a great way to gather up some last minute ideas to feel ready for the new year!  (I purposefully didn't say "be ready" because I'm not sure if I ever really am...  :)

Today's Topic is "Let's Talk About Me!:  Meet the Teacher"

This will be my 6th year teaching 4th grade.  I came to decide on teaching as a career after "trying out" several others -- inside sales, real estate, employment recruiting...With all of this real life experience, I am proud to say that teaching is my passion and something I want to do for a really long time.
I have been a blog reader for at least three years.  I love the ideas and inspiration that I get from other bloggers and I know that I am a better teacher because of it!  I began blogging myself in March of this year and absolutely love it! 

This past June, I opened my TpT Store to share many of the resources that I have created.  Doing this has encouraged me to look deeply at my instruction and to try to improve on what I was already doing.  I feel that this has also helped me be a better teacher.

(Just a reminder that these writing Mini-Posters are 20% off at my TpT Store TODAY!  :)
Another thing that I am passionate about is WRITING!  This summer, I participated in the National Writing Project at UW-Milwaukee and blogged about my experiences.  (You can read about them by clicking on National Writing Project in my sidebar to the right...)  I am really looking forward to getting back into the classroom to try out some new ideas.

As an educator, I feel that it is my responsibility to keep current on the latest research and trends in our field.  That is why you will always find me reading a professional book or taking some class or the other.  I feel that doing these things keeps me fresh and energized for the job that I do every day.  I know many of you who read blogs and/or write blogs yourself feel the same way.  :)
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Well, that's enough about me!  Can't wait to check out BOTH of these linky parties later today to gather some more ideas and meet some new bloggers.

If you dropped by,(and made it all the way to the end of this very long post), I would love to hear from you.  Please leave me a comment to let me know you were here!  :)


  1. Thank you for sharing! I, too, came into teaching after trying many careers and am SO glad I found my passion!! I also think I'm a much better teacher at this age than I would have been right out of college - a little life experience helps, as well as being a parent myself. I am ALWAYS reading something to learn and improve my teaching, and your blog is one of them. I have really enjoyed your posts about the Writing Project. This is something that I think I would really love to participate in, so I'm going to do some research to see if I can find one in my area. Thank you for all your wonderful ideas!!! I haven't started my own blog yet, but considering it.

  2. Loving your wreath! And, pickles and cucumbers together? Get out! Sounds like heaven in a jar!!!

    I also had many careers before teaching. What were we thinking?

    I love your blog and just added your writing posters to my wish list.

    Ticking clock is FREAKING ME OUT!!!!

    Fluent in Fourth

  3. Being that you've also begun recently blogging (March) what resources have you used to help you?

    I've become a but of an addict blogger now.

    Ms. Chae Charges In

  4. I LOVE your wreath! How did you make it? The number of the day set is in my TPT cart as we speak :)

    Floating Through Fifth

  5. I love the wreath for the door-it's too cute!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  6. I so want to make my own pickles! I bought my first home in July and would love to have a garden. My boyfriend's parents have great green thumbs and want to start one next year!

    The book titles alone intrigue me! I'll have to check them out!

    I'm glad you've found your calling!

    Journey of a Beginning Teacher

  7. Your red Milwaukee shirt caught my eye... I live in South Milwaukee! :-)

  8. LOVE! the wreath. I have all the supplies to make one. I just haven't gotten my booty moving. Love yours though and it's got me reinspired.

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  9. Your wreath looks great! I am impressed with your sweet pickles! Wow! I love how reflective you are at your practice, this is how I KNOW you are a wonderful teacher!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  10. Yum, pickles! I remember making them with my mom!

    Writing Circles is new to me...I will have to check that out!

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook


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