
Monday, August 26, 2013

Making Commenting Easier

Thanks to everyone who linked up yesterday for my new Sunday linky party, A Peek at my Week!  I got some amazing ideas from everyone who shared.  If you missed linking up, you can still do so.  I hope to see you back next Sunday.
Sometimes it takes a little help from our friends to realize when we are making things difficult for those around us.

Take the dreaded "No Reply Blogger" syndrome.  I was one and didn't realize it until someone told me.  (And somehow after awhile, it switched back to being a "no reply blogger" and someone told me again.)

Then there is the dreaded "Prove You're Not a Robot" thing when you leave a comment.  I don't know who thought it was a good idea to make one of those boxes tiny numbers.  I mean, sometimes the pictures are so BAD that it looks like they were taken from around the corner or the letters are all mooshed together.  Even with my glasses and extreme squinting, there is no way I will decipher those hieroglyphics. 
Little did I know, I was inflicting this pain onto my commenters as well until I read a post yesterday by Lauren at The Sweetest Thing that helped me fix this.  So I think that this has gone away now and if it hasn't, could you please let me know?  I encourage everyone to visit Lauren's blog post to learn about doing away with this annoying feature.  (I know I would appreciate it and I'm sure others would too!)

Lauren also gives a link to fixing the "no reply blogger" problem, but there is also a great tutorial on Ideas by Jivey that helped me.

We all love comments and commenting.  Why not make it easier?


  1. Thank you for the information and thank you for taking the Prove you are not a Robot.

  2. It's especially annoying if you're on a smartphone with autocorrect :/

    Fifth in the Middle

  3. I agree...I feel really old when I can't raed them too! I will do this right now. I'm sorry that I didn't have time to link up, Jennifer. We started school today, and I was outta my mind yesterday!!!

    Fluent in Fourth

  4. OMG! I was one of the people with the stupid verification thing! Thank you! I would like to apologize to all who may have commented on my blog, despite the stupid "read this impossible nonsense word and then these fuzzy numbers." I hate those things! Thank you!

  5. I hate those Prove Your Not A Robot. If I get an error a second time I just give up!

    Ms. Chae Charges In

  6. I am heading right over to Lauren's POST! Thank you!!!
    Crafting Connections

  7. Thank you SOOOO much for the tip about Lauren's post. Her directions were clear and easy to follow.

  8. Yahoo! I have blogged about this very thing twice. Thank you for sharing!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  9. I thought my problem with the verification thing was just proving that I am getting old! Glad it's not just me!

    Forever in Fifth Grade

  10. Thank you for the help yesterday. I think I was able to get everything fixed. Now, I hope that it stays that way. :)

    Turtley Loving Teaching


Thank you for taking the time for stopping by! I would love it if you would leave me a comment to let me know that you were here. (Please make sure that you are not a "No Reply Blogger" so that I can email you back.)