
Friday, June 28, 2013

Five for Friday {June 28, 2013}

Happy Friday!  I'm checking in with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.  Isn't this a great way to keep track of your weeks...since time is flying by so quickly???  It sounds like this linky party will be taking a break for the month of July.  I'll have to find another way to record my summer highlights.
My National Writing Project program starts a week from Monday.  One of the BIG gigantic projects is that we all have to present something called a Teacher Inquiry Workshop (TIW).  This is where we present (in 75 minutes, by the way) on a topic that we "inquired" about. 
I'm doing my project on helping students revise their writing.  (No more 'one and done' for my kiddos, no siree!)  Because I like to get things over with, I signed up to present on July 11th -- on the FOURTH day of class.  That means I need to get most of my research done now.
So I've been reading...a lot....this week.  Here are two great books I'm working my way through:

Product Details
Product Details
If you want to learn more about helping your students revise, check out these great resources ... or stay tuned to my blog!

My sister and her family moved to Texas this week.  (Sad face....)  This was very hard for me.  She is my only sister and I already miss her.   Both her and her husband got new jobs in the Dallas area.  I will miss seeing them, especially my niece and nephew.

My sister and I at Kara's graduation

Fun in the sun!

It rained her this week.  A lot.  Like almost 6 inches since Sunday.  My flowers took a beating from all of the rain and wind and some of them toppled over.  But when life gives you lemons, make lemonade -- or a flower bouquet -- right?

We went out for ice cream last night and it started to rain.  (Shocking!)  But on the way home, the sun came out and I saw this in the sky.  (No, I was not driving...)

Yep, a double rainbow!  Must have been my doubly lucky day!

I participated in my first ever giveaway with about 150 other bloggers on Wednesday.  Follow me on Bloglovin and enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win one of my bundled sets of Word Parts We Know vocabulary program for grades 4-6.  Two lucky winners will be chosen.  Enter through Sunday.  Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

This one is kind of goofy, but it's the little things in life, right?

The price of gas is FINALLY going down.  Two weeks ago, I paid $4.29 a gallon.  Last night, it was...


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  July is coming!!


  1. Jennifer~I know you will enjoy the NWP. We just wrapped up our session this past week and I learned a lot! I can't wait to hear more about it.
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. Revision! It's so hard to convince kids it's a good thing to revise! I hope our area drops gas prices, too!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  3. Can't wait to see your upcoming posts! I'm trying to focus more on the way I teach writing this year! :)
    ideas by jivey
    Follow me on Facebook!

  4. I am so impressed with your reading selections! My "professional" reading has been really weak this summer. I need to prepare myself with a better reading selection next summer! ;) I love your blog!

  5. I enjoyed checking out your blog, Jennifer! I just love finding other fourth grade teacher bloggers! Have a great weekend! :)

  6. $4.29??! Whoa!!!! And thanks for the reading recommendations! :)

    Tales of Frogs and Cupcakes


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