
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Driving My Energy Bus

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It seems like every blog I read these days talks about the impending doom of Google Reader. July 1st is fast approaching and with it, we may lose easy access to each other. Have you made other arrangements to stay in touch with your favorite blogs? I have decided to "claim" my blog and follow all of my blogging buddies with Bloglovin. I hope you will follow me there by clicking on the Bloglovin button on the right side of my page.

Last week while blog stalking, I came across a post by Kristin at Teach n' Tex about an amazing new linky party she is starting called PMA Wednesdays

In her initial post, Kristin wrote about a book called The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon.  Never having heard of this book, I went on Amazon and thought it was worth ordering.  It arrived on Saturday and I haven't been able to put it down!

Have you ever read a book where you could highlight almost every single word because it rings true to some part of your life?  That is what this book did for me!

The book, which is told in narrative form, begins by asking you to identify a few things in your life.

1.  Your vision for your life (including your health).
2.  Your vision for your work, career, job, and team.
3.  Your vision for your relationship and family.

This was really difficult for me to do.  I had to really think.  I know I have visions for where I want to go, but they were kind of blurry and out-of-focus.  Taking the time to think about them is important though.  Just like you wouldn't begin a long road trip in your car without knowing where you were going, identifying these visions in our life are crucial to making sure we get where we were meant to go.

After identifying your visions, Jon shares his 10 Rules for the Ride of Your Life:

1.  You're the driver of your own bus.
2.  Desire, vision, and focus move your bus in the right direction.
3.  Fuel your ride with positive energy.
4.  Invite people on your bus and share your vision for the road ahead.
5.  Don't waste energy on those who don't get on your bus.
6.  Post a sign that says "NO ENERGY VAMPIRES ALLOWED" on your bus.  (I LOVE this one!)
7.  Enthusiasm attracts more passengers and energizes them during the ride.
8.  Love your passengers.
9.  Drive with purpose.
10.  Have fun and enjoy the ride.

We have all had tough days (or years!).  I really believe that people who blog or who search out information from blogs are teacher leaders who can affect the future of our profession.  Every one of us has the power to generate positive energy that can change their lives and the life of those around us.  I hope you will read this book and highlight along with me.  (And just to be clear, I am writing about this book because it has had a profound effect on me, not because I am receiving any compensation in any way from doing so.  :)

So here is my positive thought of the week as I link up with Kristin at Teach n' Tex:

That's right, positive energy in this world begins with me!  (And YOU!!)

I hope you will help spread this important need for more positivity in our world by linking up with Kristin on Wednesdays!  Head on over to her blog to read her amazing positive message.  (It's from one of my favorite songs!)

Spread the word....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up! I am so glad you like The Energy Bus. It has a profound effect on me, my relationships with my family, friends, and students, and the way I run my classroom.

    I love your PMA message for today. It reminds me I need to some more Random Acts of Kindness.



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