
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Looking Forward -- What Will I Do Differently?

Teachers, by nature, spend a lot of time reflecting.  We teach a lesson, we think of how we can do it differently next time.  (Many times this even happens WHILE we are teaching!)

With this year drawing to a close, I am linking up with Finding Joy in 6th for her What Will You Do Differently? linky party.  Love it!  There are LOTS more things I want to try for next year, but these are three things I am committing to make happen!

We do A LOT of reading in my classroom.  Whether it's a read aloud or silent reading, I have not been so great at having my kids respond to their writing in a consistent way.  I have tried lots of different things (journals, Kidblog, letters), but haven't found the exact thing that clicks with me. I will say that we have had some fantastic discussions about our reading, but I know that it is SO important for kids to write to process their thinking.

I'll admit is just not my thing.  However, I recognize that it is HUGELY engaging for my kiddos so this summer I will seek out new methods of incorporating tech in my instruction.  I already found a great blog to help, Free Technology for Teachers.  Check it out!

 PBL is something that I was introduced to this year and I am absolutely in LOVE with it!  There are a few bloggers out there who already use PBL on a regular basis in their classroom and achieve AMAZING results.  With the new testing emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking, I think PBL is a great way to prepare students not only for testing, but for life!  If you are interested in learning more, check out the BIE website.

So what have you been reflecting about for next year?  Head on over to Joy in 6th and link up! 


  1. I could have used your goals:). Have a nice end of the year!

  2. I should have added PBL to my goals, too! Thanks for sharing the website! So helpful :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  3. We are trying to add a lot of "inquiry based learning" into our program, which I think is the same as PBL. Thanks for the link to the website.

  4. Hi Jennifer:
    I like all of your goals! I could easily add them all to my list...
    Thanks for the website links--I'm ready to click and learn!
    Thanks for linking up with my very first Linky Party...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade


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