
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Writing -- Help Wanted?

I am so excited!  Yesterday was the first meeting for the National Writing Project's Summer Institute at UW-M.  I am so lucky to be a part of this program this July.  (You can read my original post about this program here.)  I can't wait to get started!!

Yesterday I found out that I need to start thinking about an area of writing instruction that I would like to research.  I have some thoughts rolling around in the back of my brain, but since part of this program is to learn how to provide professional development in writing to my fellow teachers, I thought I would throw this one out to all of you for your feedback.

So.....I am asking for you to think about your writing instruction. 
  • Does it make you click your heels together or cringe in fear? 
  •  Is it the best part of your teaching day or the worst part?  Is it a part at all???
  •  Are you prepared to incorporate the Common Core Standards into your instruction?
  •  Are your students active participants in their growth as writers?
  •  Do you feel comfortable conferencing with your writers?
  •  Want to learn more about writing across the curriculum?
  •  Can you connect a student's life as a writer to their life as a reader?
  •  Are you able to find professional development in writing?
  •  Is there something else that you want to know more about? 

I would really, really, really appreciate it (is that begging??) if you would leave me a quick comment below to let me know what your response is.  No response is too small or insignificant.  I will consider EVERY comment as I narrow down my topic.  Thanks in advance for your help!!  :)

Looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. Oh, gosh, I HATE teaching writing! I know that's terrible, especially since I love to write. But it's so hard getting the kids involved in their own writing. It seems like they just want me to tell them what to do so they can rush it out and go on to something else. Conferences really go nowhere when the kids aren't active participants in their own writing growth. It's so frustrating.

    I hope you enjoy the National Writing Project this summer. It sounds like a great opportunity!!

  2. Oh, I want to be involved in our local national writing project this summer, but they haven't opened up the applications yet. Not that I would get accepted, but a girl can dream!

    Gosh-where do I even start???

    Writing is NOT a focus at our school. At all. I want to change that. For me anyway.

    Currently I teach 5/6 grade US history and a tiny block of 5th english. We didn't start writing until December after doing isolated grammar first part of year which doesn't work. :)

    Next year I am starting on day 1!! And I'm starting with poetry. We've worked on poetry for 1 1/2 weeks now and I love it, and I think they love it! Not as many rules!

    I WANT to implement sort of a writing workshop, BUT...not sure how to really do that. Especially at my school.

    One thing that I know I am definitely going to do is confer with them next year weekly and keep track of it. :)

    Did my senseless rambling help any?? :)

    I Run Read Teach

  3. Does it make you click your heels together or cringe in fear? IT MAKES ME CRINGE

    Is it the best part of your teaching day or the worst part? Is it a part at all??? IT IS A BIG PART OF MY DAY...AND A HARD ONE AT THAT.

    Are you prepared to incorporate the Common Core Standards into your instruction? I'M PREPARED BECAUSE OF MY OWN PREPARATION, UNFORTUNATELY, I DID NOT RECEIVE ANY RESOURCES OR PD's FROM MY SCHOOL.

    Are your students active participants in their growth as writers? NOT AS ACTIVE AS I WOULD LIKE THEM TO BE.

    Do you feel comfortable conferencing with your writers? YES, BUT I FEEL LIKE I DON'T HAVE ADEQUATE TIME =(

    Want to learn more about writing across the curriculum? WOULD LOVE TOO =)

    Can you connect a student's life as a writer to their life as a reader? WELL, IF THEY CAN'T READ...THEY SURE WON'T BE ABLE TO WRITE (IF THAT'S WHAT YOU MEAN).

    Are you able to find professional development in writing? NOT OFFERED BY MY SCHOOL. I SEARCH THE INTERNET FOR INFO.

    Is there something else that you want to know more about? IS THERE INFO YOU WOULD LIKE TO OFFER?

    The Creation Station


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