
Monday, April 1, 2013

Vocabulary FUN!

I'd have to say that one of my greatest "finds" this year to motivate my kids to improve their vocabulary has been the Flocabulary program.  Have you heard of it?  You can check it out here for yourself.

For about $5 a month, I have access to the Flocabulary gallery of short videos for all subject areas, although I am mostly sticking to the Word Up program for vocabulary right now. 

Each week, my students learn ten new grade-specific vocabulary words that have a very catchy rap song and animated video that goes along with them.  Each week's unit also includes activities and assessments which makes my life SO much easier.  (And I think we are all in favor of working smarter, not harder, right???)

I have added one component to their program.  On Thursdays, I assign each student one of the week's words to draw a picture to illustrate the word for our word wall. 



My students absolutely LOVE watching the rap song video every day on our SMART board!  By the end of the week, they are able to rap along, which can be quite hilarious!  I love that it is an all-in-one program that truly engages my students and motivates them to learn new words.  It is so cool when they recognize one of the Flocabulary words in a book we are reading and they automatically know what it means.

Do you have any other great vocabulary finds you'd like to share?  You can sign up for a 30 day free trial of Flocabulary if you'd like to give it a whirl yourself.  Let me know how it goes!  I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Chicago Fire AND Charming Charlies? Yes, please!! So happy to find your blog & be your newest follower. I also read through your posts and the book about Guided Math is a definite must have. I love it!

    Nice to "meet" you!
    First Grade Fairytales


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