
Monday, April 22, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted -- My Classroom

Here we are...Off to start another week and linking up with Flying Into First Grade's weekly "Let's Get Acquainted" linky party.  This week's topic is my sweet home away from home -- my classroom.  I swear, sometimes I spend so much time there that it would be just easier if I moved a bed and some clothes in with me!  : )

So here are three of my favorite places in my classroom:

1.  Our Word Harvesting Wall

As we are reading a book or story, the kids listen for words they would like to harvest.  These need to be words that are beyond our every day words, but are likely to be seen in our reading again.   I learned about this activity from Tim Rasinski at a fluency workshop of his that I attended last year.  The idea is that as we read the Word Harvesting wall, the students are becoming familiar with the words so when they see them in their independent reading, they know the word, how to say it, and what it means.  The kids get especially excited when they do!  I will also ask students to use a word from the Word Harvest wall in their writing workshop and then share how they did.  This is a great way to get them to try out new vocabulary!
2.  My Accelerated Reader (AR) Race Track

Accelerated Reader is a super huge BIG deal in my school.  While I feel the goal of AR is not to earn points just to earn points (the goal is really to become a better reader), I like to use it to monitor who is staying on track with their independent reading.  Each quarter, students set reading goals that they would like to achieve.  I took a picture of each student and put them in these cute race cars that I found at the teacher supply store.  As students read and take AR quizzes, they move their race car up the track until they reach the "GOAL" flag.  The pink flag with the black arrow is what we call the pace flag and students need to try to stay at or above this point.  I'm happy to say that because our race track is a very visible reminder, students usually do not have a problem meeting their reading goals.
3.  Our Reading Rug
Like many of you, it is fun to have a place to gather as a group to hear a story, have a class meeting, or to read with a pillow.  I have two of these rugs in my room and they are always the go-to place for my reading friends.
I can't wait to check out other people's classrooms!  Head on over to Flying Into First Grade and see some for yourself.
Have a great week! 



  1. Really cute ar tracking. It's colorful and I'm sure your kids love seeing their pictures up in the class.
    Thanks for sharing.

    School Is a Happy Place

  2. I love your tracking system and the fact that you encourage your kiddos to set goals for themselves :)
    I am your newest follower!
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten

  3. Love the Word Wall. I see some fabulous words that have been harvested. ;)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. I've heard that it takes 25 times for something to be truly learned and understood so your harvest wall helps to accomplish that!

    Great pics!

    I Run Read Teach

  5. Hi Jennifer! I love your reading rug, your kids look so comfy!! I just found your blog, I'm your newest follower!

    Science for Kids Blog

  6. I love how you harvest interesting words. I'm so glad I found your blog. Thanks for letting us peek into your classroom.


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