
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday {7-17-14}

It's Thursday, which means it's time for some positive thinking with Positive Thinking Thursday!  Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you're here!
This week, I am sharing one of my favorite quotes.  I always think of this quote when I am working on something with a deadline and it is dragging along. It seems to help me get things done.
It always seems impossible until it is done
Source -- Some beautiful artwork here!

Have a great day!


  1. Thank you for posting this - as I wake up each morning to work on my course and lie in bed thinking about it I really needed this. I don't always comment on your positive thinking post but I often leave it in my feed so I can see the message all the time : ) I really liked the tech one too!

  2. Oh yes, it does always seem impossible! I think this every time I'm in the middle of a workout!

    A Tall Drink of Water

  3. I love that quote! It is sooo true especially when we have a TON on our plate and do not know how we can get any of it finished. Thanks for this fun linky!

    Get Your Science on in Room 701


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