
Sunday, July 6, 2014

A Peek at My Week {7-07-14}

It's Sunday which means it's time for another edition of A Peek at My Week, my weekly linky party where we all share what we've got going on this week.  I love that this linky party is bringing together new friends and old ones.  There are so many new bloggers out there -- I encourage you to link up to help us find you!

Here we go...
This morning, my son Ryan will leave for his very first job.  He is going to be a camp counselor at a Boy Scout camp.  This means that he will live there and only come home one day a week -- eeekk!  When I told him to get a job for summer, I didn't mean that he had to move out.  Oh, a mother's heart....

On Monday, Teachers Write begins!  If you are wondering what this is and want to participate, you can visit this website or this one.  Last year, I was only an observer of this online writing camp, but this year I am looking forward to doing some writing.
On Tuesday, our exchange student from France arrives.  Cecile will be staying with us for three weeks.  My daughter Kara is very excited and is looking forward to showing Cecile American teenage life (whatever that means).
Cecile's first experience of American life will be to attend the DCI Drum Corp show at the local high school on Thursday night.  I've never been to a drum corp show, but I am looking forward to it!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!


  1. I always thought it would be fun to have an exchange student. Enjoy the drum corp show! I'm really looking forward to Teachers Write!

    Fit to be Fourth

  2. Your comment about your son leaving for the summer.... "a mother's heart..." made me smile. I'm not a mom of human children {yet}, but I can imagine being conflicted about the boy leaving for the summer. Best wishes to your son AND you this summer. ; )
    And how FUN to have an exchange student! You won't be very lonely with TWO teenage girls in the house! {heaven help you} ; )
    Have a great week!

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  3. How awesome that you will have an exchange student! I've always wanted to do that. I'm looking forward to hearing about all that you do. How exciting for Ryan, but crazy that he will not be home much. I guess like you tell me, they grow super fast, huh!!???? Hope you have a great week. I'd link up but my days consist of feeding, changing, burping and playing with a baby. I'm just not very much fun. Good think I can read all that you have going on!
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard


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