
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Already???

It's no April Fool's joke.  I am actually posting for the fourth day in a row!  Spring break is wonderful for catching up on blogging.

Today I'm checking in with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade and Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper for their linky parties.  Who doesn't love a good party???

Listening:  I love being able to spend mornings with my good friends Robin, George, Ginger and Lara.  But I do miss Sam and now I heard Josh is leaving.  I fear change.

Loving:  Our Puggle, Rosie, can sleep  She makes the cutest snoring sounds.  Maybe she should try sleeping more at night.  I'm just sayin'.

Thinking:  So much to do, so little time.

Wanting:  Sometimes, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to my writing.  I love to write, but it is often the first thing knocked off my to-do list when time runs short.  (Of course, it would help if I could stay awake past 7:30 at night...)

Needing:  I'm good with what I have --  A healthy family, a warm home, and food to eat.

Hours:  I am usually at school by 7:15, but I am out the door at 3:45.  I'm an early bird.  As for the last day?  We can thank Mother Nature for five snow days that pushed us into the middle of June.  Ugh...

Now for Tried it Tuesday with Holly.  Today's Tried-It has nothing to do with teaching, but it might make your life easier.
I'll admit it...I am a lover of all things sparkly and colorful.  I'm like a kid at a candy shop when I walk into our local Charming Charlie's.  I used to store all of my necklaces in a plastic shoe bin.  The problem?  They got tangled and I could never find what I needed.  I got this brilliant idea from my mom.  (Apparently, jewelry addiction is an inherited trait...)
You just hang a wire shelf the long way on the wall and use S-hooks where ever you want.  Brilliant!  (Thanks, mom!)
Easy peasy organization!

I'm looking forward to checking out what everyone else has tried lately.  I love that us teachers are so willing to help each other work smarter, not harder!

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. I'm the same way at school, total early bird. I'm there early but always leave on when I can - glad to know I'm not the only one.

    I love that jewelry idea, looks like it works great. I use a scarf/tie/belt rack not sure what it is called but it hangs in my closet but has hooks.


  2. I am definitely an early bird too. I get to school early every day, but leave right away at the end of the day. My pup sleeps all day too, but he's a good night sleeper too!

    Sara :)
    The Colorful Apple

  3. Your dog is ADORABLE! I am a sucker for puppies. I agree about not having the time to blog except during the summer and breaks from school. During the school year, if I blog once a week I am lucky!

  4. Your dog reminds me of my beagle when it comes to sleep habits! I am a slightly early bird but I usually stay til 5 because I coach or run after school clubs :-) But You bet that when Friday rolls around and I don't have any after school obligations, I am out the door at 3:45. Love your organizing idea!

  5. I am NOT an early bird. I have to be at school at 7:15 and I arrive at 7:15. So glad you shared your necklace holder. I've GOT to do something different. I bought a thing at H.L., but ended up returning it because it didn't work out the way I wanted it to.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  6. I just love Rosie - so darn cute! We were going to have to make up some snow days as well. Luckily, a committee in our district put together some blizzard bags for students to take home. The work is supposed to compensate for the two days we went over. (We have 5 calamity days.) We will be done at the end of May. This is the first time I had no school for the entire month of June! The only downside is that we go back on August 13, but I will worry about that later.

    Fit to be Fourth

  7. PUGGLE!!!! I have 3 puggles. :) Yours is so cute!!

    Alexis at Laugh. Eat. Learn.

  8. Your pup is SO cute! Mine does a lot of snoring, too. Silly pups!
    I love that you say you aren't needing anything. That is a great thought :)
    Love that jewelry organizer... mine are all draped on my vanity mirror. I might have to try that!

    Happy Teaching,
    Adventures in Teaching (A First Grade Blog)
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  9. Your post had me at the word BLING! :) I have my accessories hanging too-so much easier to select for an outfit this way! Plus it looks pretty!! I was a little distracted by your out the door time...are you serious or is that an April Fool's joke? Like, does it take you 3 hours to get to school?
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  10. Rosie is adorable!! I can't wait for spring break and being able to have the morning news on with a cup of coffee. :) That idea to hold necklaces is genius! Aren't moms the best? :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  11. When I was on Spring Break I loved getting to watch morning shows too! I love Live with Kelly and Michael!! Thanks for sharing!!



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