
Saturday, June 29, 2013

July Goals & a Freebie!

Well, this crazy month of June is quickly coming to an end.  I have only been on summer break for three weeks, yet it seems like forever since there has been so much going on!

Looking forward to July, I'm linking up with Jess at I {Heart} Recess for her July Goals linky:

Personal:  I have been checking in with Kristin at Teach n' Tex every Wednesday for PMA Wednesdays and it really has helped me think more positively throughout my week.  I read "The Energy Bus" by Jon Gordon and it has made such a difference in my life!  I need to keep it up!

Family:  Ryan will be heading to the Boy Scout Jamboree in Virginia soon.  Last time the boys went to Jamboree, Kara & I took a trip to the Mall of America in Minneapolis.  We can't do that this time, but we hope to find some fun things to do around home to help build some good summer memories for her.

Health:  I need to drink more water.  Period.

School:  At the end of last year, I took EVERYTHING down in my room.  (Usually, we can leave everything up...which I have done for the past five years.)  I did this on purpose so I would HAVE to find some new decorating goodies.  I'm loving chevron and owls...maybe I'll head toward that.

Blog/TpT:  I hope to share more tips about how to teach writing.  This seems to be one area that is sorely missing out there, based on the feedback I've received already.  Stay tuned!  Lots of good shares coming!!

Outside the Box:  It may be rather boring, but I am pledging on eating a fruit or veggie before I eat anything else -- meals or snacks.  (In the past, sometimes I would go a whole day without either of these...sad, I know.)  This is a Weight Watchers trick and I need to be more diligent about doing this.  It will fill me up and help improve my health.

So there are my June goals.  I hope you will head over to I {Heart} Recess and add your own!

With the close of June, also comes a close to our teaching contracts for many of us out there.  July 1st begins a new contract year and is a time when many teachers are reflecting on their salaries.  So I offer this freebie for you to ponder when you are looking at those numbers on your next paycheck. (You can download it by clicking on the picture or here.)

You probably didn't enter this profession for the I wanted to remind you of what you "make" in addition to your paycheck.  Enjoy!


  1. What a great reminder. Thank you. :) Have a great weekend.
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. I am also trying to drink more water! A friend of mine has starting to drink half her weight in ounces of water per day and has really noticed a difference in her weight loss. Yikes...that's a lot of ounces for me! :)

  3. Sitting here drinking water with my breakfast...I need more water too:)

  4. You probably already know about her, but go check out Schoolgirl Style for decorating ideas. She has lots with chevron and owls!

  5. Love the message. I'm going to print it and put it in the front of my teacher binder as a reminder on those rough days. Thanks for sharing it.
    On the Trail of Learning

  6. Love that! And I love chevron as well! Make sure to keep us posted about what you end up doing in your room! :)


  7. Yeah, I need to drink more water, too. That's very hard for me to do! Thanks for sharing your monthly goals with us. :)

    Tales of Frogs and Cupcakes


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